Friday, September 30, 2011


Past-times. Times of the past. Times of my past. They may be baseball for some Americans. My favorite past-time is going to the Air Shows with my papa. As one can see, I am extremely close to my family. They are something I hold closer than anything else in this world. Therefore, their influence on me is great. When I was younger, my grandma and grandpa would pack up and head to Harrison, AR to the air shows. For those who don't know or who have horrible common sense like me, an air show consists of airplanes, jets, jet fighters, and all types of monumental aircraft from the war days. It is my favorite because of the loud roar of the engines starting up. It is truly breathtaking. Some people think loud is annoying and bothersome. For example, on the highway you hear the little trucks with the loud exhaust. No, that is not the roar I appreciate. Sometimes it is entertaining but it does not compare to the genuine blast of the airplane firing up. I do not even like to wear the ear muffs. I like the all-natural, full-on, ear-blasting ROAR of the engine. The sound almost makes my heart skip a beat. I am not saying that to be overly sentimental; that really is what happens due to the volume of the engine start-up. It is my past-time also because it is something super special my grandparents and I took part of. Remember how my Papa and I love PBR? It is the same concept. Family is involved so it makes it that much better. Nothing can compare to this experience. Every person has their special memory of childhood but mine just so happened to carry over through my adolescence, teenage years, and now, through my young adult years. Tomorrow morning, I will (God forbid any freak accident or illness) be heading to Fort Smith, AR to experience yet another air show. I am so excited. I will try to post pictures and provide an update. If this type of activity interests you, I highly encourage a family trip to an air show. They are all over and it is definitely family-friendly. However, I advise to bring your own drinks because they are insanely expensive at the event!

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