I think it is incredible how different every human being is. We all believe different ideas. We all desire different things. How God created us that way just blows my mind. There is not a person in this world that is exactly like another person. They may be similar but we are all incredibly unique. For example, not even identical twins can be the same. They do not even have the same fingerprints. They have sometimes completely different personalities and characteristics. My brother and sister are fraternal twins. They are from the same womb but they not only differ in gender, they differ in just about everything else. My sister is a total girly-girl who loves dress up and dolls. My brother is a definite man's man who loves the outdoors and dead animals. It is kind of a random example but I believe this is definitely a true example of how different people can be.
I love observing people because I get to see how different we all are. When I walk through the mall or the parking lot of my college campus, these traits are unquestionably noticed. The way a woman walks versus the way a man walks is an example of difference. Most women carry themselves in a reserved manner while most men carry themselves in an arrogant manner. This is obviously based on a general opinion. Women feel they have a certain status to maintain whereas men have a carefree attitude. This, too blows my mind. How can people from the same place be so incredibly different? God absolutely had a specific plan for each human on this Earth. Otherwise, we would all be the same and there is no way we could learn from each other. I am so thankful He made life this way because I feel that I am the person I am today because of the differences in so many of my acquaintances, causing me to learn.
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