Thursday, October 6, 2011

When the Leaves Start to Fall

At this time of the year last year, I was wearing pants, a scarf, a jacket, and warm shoes. Now, I am wearing shorts and a tee shirt. Yes, it definitely is that warm still in Missouri. I find it especially strange. My birthday marked the first day of Autumn, where the weather turns chilly and you switch from A/C to heat. Nope, not yet. This week and a few weeks prior, the weather has been mid 70s-80s with full sunshine. It is absolutely beautiful. I love that I still wake up to the sun beaming in my bedroom window and heating the wood floors upstairs for my cat to bask in its light. However, I am definitely ready to get this season started. I am so over being hot and sweaty. I am ready to put on the warm comfortable clothes and prepare for winter, even though Fall is my favorite season. Also, at this time last year, my mom and I were making frequent trips to Texas. If you have read my previous blog posts, you have learned that my grandfather was incredibly sick around this time last year. She and I were driving up to stay with him at the Dallas Veteran's Affairs Hospital. This time of year, I was planning out my schedule for school and collecting future assignments and making up tests due to my absence I would be approaching. Like any kid, I was excited not to go to school for a few days. However, I changed that opinion for two reasons: One, I would be behind on a lot of material that was to be covered while I was gone. Two, my Opa was very ill. After the third trip to Texas, my mom and aunt brought my Opa back to our house to live with us. We planned on him staying for a few months so he could regain his health and be prepared for bypass surgery. He died a week after he moved in.
This time of the year will always remind me of the sadness that has seeped into my home. The time of the year will also remind me of the happiness there is to feel because Opa is not left on this Earth suffering any longer. He is pain-free and riding his Harley with the angels. RIP Peter Verhaagen.

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